Chinese New Year Workshop 2025
The Lunar New Year provides a wonderful opportunity for children to learn about traditional Chinese culture and the Mandarin language! Mini Mandarins is offering a Chinese New Year Workshop for children aged 3 to 8 that includes hands-on activities such as CNY Storytelling, creative arts and crafts, and CNY sing-along. Children will enjoy the joyful holiday atmosphere while engaging in Mandarin conversations and participating in the festive activities!
Register for your kids now to bring them a joyful and meaningful Lunar New Year!
讓小朋友一邊感受農曆新年氣氛,一邊善用假期好好學習普通話!小小漢語為 3-8 歲小朋友開設新春工作坊,内容包括一系列體驗活動,如新春故事分享、新春小手工創作 、新春兒歌唱遊等,一邊享受體驗活動,一起渡過新春佳節!立即報名讓小朋友感受佳節喜慶!
Target Age 適合年齡: |
Ages 3 - 8 3-8歲 |
Dates 日期: |
Time 時間: |
9:30am - 12:00nn 2.5 hours per lesson 每堂2.5小時 |
Venue 上課地點: |
3/F, Phase I, China Taiping Tower, 8 Sunning Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 銅鑼灣新寧道8號中國太平大廈1期3樓 |
Workshop Content 工作坊內容: |
Fee 費用: |
HKD1,000/堂 per lesson (每堂 2.5小時 2.5hrs per lesson | HKD400 per hr) |
Sign Up 報名: https://bit.ly/3Pti6tm
Contact us 聯絡我們:
Tel: 2320 1128
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/+85267296466
Email: [email protected]
Remarks 備註:
Course schedule may subject to change without prior notice. 課堂時間表可能有所變動而不作事前通知。
* Terms & conditions apply. 優惠受條款與細則約束。
^Students bring their own snacks 學生需自備茶點
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